Creating tickets
Bugs, new features & enhancements are tracked using the GitHub issues system
The policy on tickets is:
- Non-committers should discuss issues on the Lift mailing list before opening a ticket
- All non-committer tickets should have a link back to the mailing list discussion that led to opening the ticket so the whole world can see why the ticket came into being.
- All non-committer tickets should be set to no milestone, no assignment and normal priority unless a committer explicitly asked for assignment
- A committer may open a ticket at whatever priority for whatever milestone and assign it to himself
- There should be very little discussion about ticket in the ticketing system. The discussion should take place on the Lift list so the discussion is available to a broader audience
We will accept pull requests into the Lift codebase if the pull requests meet the following criteria:
- The request represents one or more of the following:
– Documentation including ScalaDoc comments in code
– Example code
– Small changes, enhancements, or bug fixes to Lift’s code - The request includes a signature at the bottom of the / file.
Comments are disabled for this space. In order to enable comments, Messages tool must be added to project.
You can add Messages tool from Tools section on the Admin tab.