With M2Eclipse

Version 19, last updated by David Bernard at 2010-11-30


With m2eclipse and m2eclipse-scala you don't need to define maven-eclipse-plugin's configuration (you should avoid using both)


m2eclipse-scala is a work in progress to ease integration between m2eclipse and scala-ide for eclipse.

What m2eclipse-scala do automaticly (on import / re-configure) ?

  • add scala nature to project if maven-scala-plugin is used in the pom.xml => add Scala-Library container
  • auto add src/main/scala and src/test/scala
  • remove of scala-library, scala-compiler, scala-dbc, scala-swing from Maven Dependencies Container (under eclipse only, you should not have 2 version of scala-library in the classpath)
  • re-order JRE Container and Scala Container (to avoid scala.ScalaObject NotFound and C° when use Run As Scala Application)
  • add Scala-tools.org catalog



  1. install m2eclipse
  2. install m2eclipse-scala itself :
  3. Eclipse : File > import > maven > Existing Maven Project ...

If your project doesn't list Scala Libraries in Build Path (or in Package Explorer), try :

  • select project
  • right click > Maven 2 > Update Project Configuration

Working configuration

The plugin is validated by importing the samples projects into Eclipse:

date Scala Eclipse Plugin m2eclipse m2eclipse-scala JVM comments
2010-06-05 2.8.0.RC3 64bit server 1.6.0_20-b02
2010-06-19 2.8.0.RC3 0.1.0 64bit server 1.6.0_20-b02
2010-07-11 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT (tycho-reorg branch) 0.2.1 64bit server 1.6.0_20-b02
2010-11-24 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT 0.2.2 64bit server 1.6.0_20-b02

other solutions :

The following (older ?) solutions work without m2eclipse-scala, and are provide as fallback if you have some issue with m2eclipse-scala (in this case don't forgot to open a ticket)

  • Article to use scala and java using m2eclipse plugin and scala plugin

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